Terms Used by J R McKenzie Trust

C, D, I Imogen C, D, I Imogen

Changemakers, disrupters, influencers

Changemakers, disrupters and influencers

  • people who want to make a difference for their communities

  • have ideas about how they can do that

  • have the connections, skills, and commitment to put their ideas into action

A changemaker is someone who is taking creative action to solve a social problem by developing solutions. They are motivated to take action and drive change.

Similarly, a disrupter is someone who is taking action to solve a social problem – with a stronger focus on changing the current structures or behaviours that have created the problem in the first place.

An influencer is someone who is seeking to achieve change by shifting the way other people and organisations work and behave. Often, influencers are well known for their knowledge of an issue and their expertise gives them credibility that allows them to influence the way that others might approach this issue.


Changemakers, disrupters and influencers

  • people who want to make a difference for their communities

  • have ideas about how they can do that

  • have the connections, skills, and commitment to put their ideas into action

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