Terms Used by J R McKenzie Trust

C Imogen C Imogen

Conditions that hold inequities in place

This is about finding the blockages that mean some communities always get less or always get left out. Those blockages can be ways of thinking or ways of doing things. They can be about who has a say, and who makes decisions

Conditions are things like behaviours, societal norms or societal structures that are unfair or not functioning well for some members of society. This creates or maintains inequity* (*see definition below).

Conditions that create unfairness or inequity may include things like:

  • Government policies

  • The design of mainstream services and practices (ways of working) that don’t work for everyone

  • How and where resources (money, knowledge, assets) are distributed

  • Who holds decision-making powers

  • Dominant attitudes and behaviours


This is about finding the blockages that mean some communities always get less or always get left out. Those blockages can be ways of thinking or ways of doing things. They can be about who has a say, and who makes decisions.

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C, D, I Imogen C, D, I Imogen

Changemakers, disrupters, influencers

Changemakers, disrupters and influencers

  • people who want to make a difference for their communities

  • have ideas about how they can do that

  • have the connections, skills, and commitment to put their ideas into action

A changemaker is someone who is taking creative action to solve a social problem by developing solutions. They are motivated to take action and drive change.

Similarly, a disrupter is someone who is taking action to solve a social problem – with a stronger focus on changing the current structures or behaviours that have created the problem in the first place.

An influencer is someone who is seeking to achieve change by shifting the way other people and organisations work and behave. Often, influencers are well known for their knowledge of an issue and their expertise gives them credibility that allows them to influence the way that others might approach this issue.


Changemakers, disrupters and influencers

  • people who want to make a difference for their communities

  • have ideas about how they can do that

  • have the connections, skills, and commitment to put their ideas into action

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C Imogen C Imogen

Community innovation

Community innovation describes how a community knows what their people need to make their lives better and finds its own solutions to meet those needs.

Community innovation is a change that is championed by the community and results in benefits that are meaningful to the community¹.

Community innovation often occurs when community leaders or groups of engaged community members have ideas for initiatives that are wanted by the community and would make a strong and positive difference to quality of life for members of that community.

¹Tamarack Institute: https://www.tamarackcommunity.ca/communityinnovation

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C Imogen C Imogen

Connected communities

A community is connected when you know each other, have each other’s backs, share an interest in strengthening the good things that hold your community together, and work together for a better future.

A community is a group of people with something in common – including the place that they live or some other type of shared identity e.g. cultural identity.

A connected community is one where people know each other and support one another, where people get involved in activities within the community, and where people know how to access support and where to go for help. Connected communities often have a strong sense of community identity and pride.


A community is connected when you know each other, have each other’s backs, share an interest in strengthening the good things that hold your community together, and work together for a better future.

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S, C Imogen S, C Imogen

Self-determining communities

This is about your community making the decisions and taking the action that works for you.

Self-determining communities are communities that have control over their own choices and resources. Community members are actively leading decision-making about the things that affect them – both now and in the future.

Self-determination relates to the concepts of tino rangatiratanga and mana motuhake in Te Ao Māori.


This is about your community making the decisions and taking the action that works for you.

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T, C Imogen T, C Imogen

Transformational change

Transformational change is change that makes a major difference to the quality of life for people today – and for the next generation.

Transformational change describes a major positive shift or change that goes further than small one-off changes or slow, incremental changes. It describes different ways of thinking and working that transforms the lives and wellbeing of people, whānau – and sometimes whole communities.

Transformational change sometimes includes systems change*.

*see definition of systems change


Transformational change is change that makes a major difference to the quality of life for people today – and for the next generation.

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