Terms Used by J R McKenzie Trust

F, R Imogen F, R Imogen

Funding relationships

Funding relationships are about JR McKenzie Trust and ngā kaikōkiri walking together in partnership to support a kaupapa or goal

Relational funding partnerships are relationships with ngā kaikōkiri that are built around trust, understanding and respect.

This type of funding relationship is not transactional – meaning it is based on more than just dollars. By developing a closer relationship with ngā kaikōkiri we are able to fully understand how we can best support their mission.

Whakawhanaungatanga is a key part of relational funding partnerships. For us, this means building genuine and enduring relationships where everyone involved feels valued.


Funding relationships are about JR McKenzie Trust and ngā kaikōkiri walking together in partnership to support a kaupapa or goal.

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R Imogen R Imogen


This is about working with ngā kaikōkiri to decide when the time is right to start a funding relationship.

Thinking about ‘readiness’ helps J R McKenzie Trust and ngā kaikōkiri think through whether the time is right for a funding partnership. This involves thinking about the stage of development an initiative might be in and the type of funding and relationship that would best suit this stage of development.


This is about working with ngā kaikōkiri to decide when the time is right to start a funding relationship.

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