E Tipu E Rea

E Tipu E Rea was established following the successful implementation of a teen parent project at Auckland Women’s Centre. This project highlighted the need for an independent, Auckland-based teen parent service. They work across the Auckland region and hold a special relationship with Ngāti Pāoa Iwi Trust. Overall E Tipu E Rea support mātua taiohi/hapū māmā and pēpi/tamariki to grow, thrive and be rangatira within their whānau and community. They work in partnership with mātua taiohi/hapū māmā and whānau to access support services, navigate systems, and inform decision-makers of systematic changes that need to occur to benefit matua taiohi/hapū māmā,  in the areas such as health, education, housing, and child protection.

For more information on E Tipu E Rea visit their site below:



Te Atianga a Hauiti


Climate Change Iwi Leaders Group