How to write your change statement


Your application asks you to write a short change statement. This statement describes the project or initiative for which you are seeking funding.

Your change statement needs to tell us:

  1. Who you want to work with

  2. What you want to do and

  3. The outcomes you want to see, or the difference you will make

  4. The wider social change you want to contribute to

You can see some examples of change statements below.

One way to write your change statement is to copy the following statement and fill in the blanks:

“By working with [Point 1] to [Point 2] so that [Point 3], we will contribute to [Point 4 above]

If your project doesn’t quite fit with the change statement format, then you can write your own – just make sure it is brief and contains the FOUR parts listed above.

Examples of change statements

Who you want to work with / what you want to do / the outcomes you want to see, or the difference you will make / the wider social change you want to contribute to.
By working with Māori/Iwi Trusts / to run leadership programmes, provide governance training and implement business systems and strategies / we can increase the number of strong, economically stable local Māori enterprises /
and contribute to improved social outcomes and local economic and employment opportunities for Hauraki whānau.

Example 1

We want to work with youth leaders in years 12 and 13 to run workshops that build their awareness of justice inequities, educate them about their rights and increase their advocacy skills so that young people improve their capacity and skills to advocate for social change around justice inequities. We expect this will contribute to a fair, transparent and effective justice system.

Example 2

We want to work with women and children who have experienced family violence by providing safe housing after referral by community partners (e.g. Police, Women’s Centre, Hospital, Marae) so that the women and children can live in a safe place while they make longer-term arrangements. Therefore, we expect to contribute to a reduction in the rates of family harm in Hilltown and Treeville.

Example 3

We want to work with Māori and other stakeholders by engaging a dedicated project worker to: raise awareness in communities about effective health-based drug policies; take community action; and directly engage with politicians, decision-makers and media so that community demand for health-focused drug law reform is created, and more supportive approaches to assessment and referral to treatment will be fostered. We expect this will contribute to a reduction in the disproportionate harm suffered by Māori from the Misuse of Drugs Act.